Refurbished Pets of Southern Michigan (Cold Water, MI) awarded a $1,000 Grant
The High Hopes for Pets Foundation is pleased to award a $1,000 grant to Refurbished Pets of Southern Michigan (RPSM) who will use the money to buy treats for their training program. RPSM pulls dogs who have been at shelters or rescues for an extended period of time and matches them with prison inmates to be trained at Lakeland Correctional facility in Coldwater Michigan. There are strict guidelines to become and stay a trainer in the program. A total of 28 trainers are responsible for training 14 dogs. The trainers report back weekly, and when the dog has learned his 12 basic commands and tricks, he can be adopted. Families know they have chosen a great program to adopt a pet from and they also know they are helping to rehabilitate a future member of society. For more information, visit them at